The vibratory force is the active principle all radiates from.
#195-54 Edgar Cayce, The Father of Holistic Health
Your well-being is the manifestation of your energy. In the past centuries,
medicine has seen health from a view that people are glorified machines based
in the Newtonian model. Now that is changing to a fresh focus based in the work
of Albert Einstein who said we are human beings of dynamic energy systems.
"Dr. John H. Tilden, M.D. in his book,
"Toxemia: the Basic Cause of Disease", states, And when the truth is
known that healing, or the power to throw off disease and get well, is wholly
within the subconscious and is personal, we will know that curing and palliating
by the administration of remedies-drugs, serums, vaccines, surgery, feeding to
keep up the strength, etc. -are superfluous, meddlesome, and on the order of
throwing a monkey wrench into the machinery."
Therefore, it is time to go beyond warning signs of inflammation and other symptoms to the root cause that created the condition. Emotional or spiritual causes are not addressed in the current paradigm of medicine. However, with a new millennium, it is time to explore beyond the surface and into the unidentified invisible levels of our existence. Our emotions and level of energy are a signal to our health and well-being. This energy field can be called the vital life force, chi, spirit or other terms that mean that necessary element that gives us vitality.
When the energy is blocked, it causes illness as a signal that the body is not working in harmony and balance. Feelings of depression, anxiety, and hopelessness are signs of blocked energy. It is possible to release the blockages with complimentary medical practices as acupuncture, Qigong or other techniques that eliminate blocked energy as Pranic Healing. Raising the vibrations of the energy into health by means of flower essences or other high vibrational methods that bring up vibrations allows stuck toxic energy to release. Regression therapy can also release the root cause and allow energy to flow with vitality. At this point, there are no symptoms.
Therefore, it is time to go beyond warning signs of inflammation and other symptoms to the root cause that created the condition. Emotional or spiritual causes are not addressed in the current paradigm of medicine. However, with a new millennium, it is time to explore beyond the surface and into the unidentified invisible levels of our existence. Our emotions and level of energy are a signal to our health and well-being. This energy field can be called the vital life force, chi, spirit or other terms that mean that necessary element that gives us vitality.
When the energy is blocked, it causes illness as a signal that the body is not working in harmony and balance. Feelings of depression, anxiety, and hopelessness are signs of blocked energy. It is possible to release the blockages with complimentary medical practices as acupuncture, Qigong or other techniques that eliminate blocked energy as Pranic Healing. Raising the vibrations of the energy into health by means of flower essences or other high vibrational methods that bring up vibrations allows stuck toxic energy to release. Regression therapy can also release the root cause and allow energy to flow with vitality. At this point, there are no symptoms.
With new understanding and awareness that what we do not see is running
our lives, it is time to move beyond the focus on form into the formless. Historically,
in the writings of Aristotle and other scholars, mater was defined as being in
itself formless, but it could receive form and substance.
Matter is now defined more scientifically as an electromagnetic
radiation of any wavelength that travels in a vacuum with a speed of about
186,281 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second. It is radiation that is
visible to the human eye and what makes vision possible.
However, with more discoveries, the evidence that there is energy
vibrating beyond the range of the human eye also exists as we learned about
ultraviolet rays. This light is invisible because it is not perceivable by our
normal senses. Light not perceivable is called ultraviolet light. It is electromagnetic
radiation with
a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than soft X-rays.
The name means "beyond violet"—ultra is the Latin word for
"beyond”, and violet is the color of the shortest wavelength of visible light.
Einstein proved that we could break matter down into smaller
components and that, when we do, we move beyond the material realm and into a
realm in which everything is energy. This is the Law of Vibration, a law of nature
that states that nothing rests; everything moves and every-thing vibrates. Cayce
was referring to this law in the beginning quote. The slower vibration becomes a
lower energy; the faster vibration becomes a higher force, all in accord. Dr.
Max Planck, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics
in 1918, concerns and supports
that all physical matter is composed of vibration. The difference between the
manifestations of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual has a
result simply from different levels of vibrating frequencies or power.
Cayce links the pulsating energy seen as light in tangible third
dimension as the basis for all life. It is also the unseen energy that is found
in nature and is the same as the energy of light we label God, the unseen.
“And as the electrical vibrations are given, know that Life
itself—to be sure –is the Creative Force or God, yet its
manifestations in man are electrical—or vibratory. Know then that the
force in nature that is called electrical or electricity is the same energy ye
worship as Creative or God in action.” #2828-4.
This understanding brings us to realize that there is light or energy
in everything in the world. Most people know Genesis 1:3
that says, “And God said, Let there be light:
and there was light.”
Cayce said, “God moved and said, ‘Let there be light’
and there was light; not the light of the sun, but rather that of which,
through which and in which, every soul had, has and ever has its being. For in
truth ye live and move and have thy being in Him.” # 5246-1
Therefore, this light/energy/vibration brings us out of the darkness of
illness and offers life and harmony. We become aware that there is light and
love labeled God, Creator, or what fits your understanding. God is… God
is light; God is love. This state of consciousness is unconditional love where
health and well-being abound. This force in the universe exists by whatever
term you choose to use.
Separation from the power of light brings darkness or the absence of
light. This condition often is labeled the devil or Satan. Because darkness has
lower vibrations of energy, the motivation behind this lower energy actually
comes from within us in our negative and harmful thoughts, words, or actions.
This creates selfish and unharmonious body energy that is blocked. When people
act from this consciousness they send out this low energy to others while draining
themselves of needed energy for their own wholeness.
A person passes their inner essence out to those around him or her and
receives good or poor results accordingly. When this energy is not in alignment
and harmony with the supremacy of illumination, illness is the result. This is
the meaning of “you reap what you sow”, also called cause, and
effect. Blaming a devil or Satin for misery or poor health is pointless because
you brought it on yourself. The challenge of life is to transform all negative
energy to align with the positive higher loving energy of creation, which is
your birthright. When actions and communications emerge from love, they
are on a higher frequency with light and love emanating from within towards
others. Health is then restored to your original birthright.
Mystics call this high inner force the
God within. Most people have heard of the Golden Rule or love your
neighbor as yourself. When we apply these principles to our lives, we become
loving and can cooperate with the loving higher powerful essence within. This
supports others in their good health and joy. We feel joy, bliss, and happiness
in our good health by extending it to others.
Both religion and science are talking about the same thing. The
truth-seekers and those based in science can unite with the Law of Vibration in
quantum physics and in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Energy is related
to matter and the speed of Light. This is Einstein’s famous E =
mc2 equation.
If you want to transform light to sound, you would raise its frequency
forty octaves. The spirit of God is forty octaves above our perception. Often,
the church personifies this spirit of God as a “being” rather than
light or love, as spoken of in the scriptures. “I am the light of the
world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light
of life.” John 8:12
An orchestra tunes to the striking of a tuning fork with the tone of A,
which is 440 Hz. A misaligned piano string is altered to be in tune by striking
a tuning fork and the string matches that vibration for the correct timbre. The
string then raises its resonance to the same rate at which the fork is
vibrating. The sound wave created by the Ohm Tuning Fork works like kinetic
energy to move disharmony and tension from the body while restoring a sense of
well-being. Thus, we can rise up in vibration into a higher consciousness of
love. When two frequencies are brought together, the lower will always
rise to meet the higher. This is the principle of resonance.
Science has a newer understanding from string theory and quantum
physics, which is bringing the link and relationship closer to identifying the
unifying nature of light. Bringing this visible, tangible vibration to the
invisible beyond our vision will be shortly possible. The light that is denser
and tangible on planet earth is the same force that people refer to as God,
Creator, or Higher Power. This new perception will acknowledge that the lower
finite visual matter and extended higher vibrations into infinity are the same.
This verifies the idea that we are one light or one in love.
The words to the song, “This little Light of mine, I am going to
let it shine”, refer to the inner light that is high energy, a higher
power. That smallest indiscernible element of light is called an adamantine
particle, which is a smaller unit than what string theory explains. Now you can
begin to understand why the plant you love is the one that blossoms, because
where light and love are present there is a free exchange of adamantine
These are the building blocks of our universe for which science is
searching. They are the smallest particles that produce a positive effect upon
life. Daniel 5:14 said, “I have even heard of
thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light and understanding
and excellent wisdom is found in thee.”
In her book, Love Without End,
Glenda Green explains, “The sharing of adamantine particles is the breath
of life.” Your love brings forth your life. There is always
(omnipresence) an ocean (omniscient) of infinite supply of light (omnipotent)
that is always adapting and aligning with loving energy manifested in health
and wellbeing. This is the river of life. Our life force is energy that flows
to all who are open to receiving. This connects the unseen of religion called
God to the seen of science. All you have to be is the love that you are because
everything including your health and well-being will line up around you like a
strength, all healing of every
nature is the changing of the vibrations from within, the attuning of the
divine within the living
tissue a body to Creative energies. This
alone is healing… it is
the attuning of
the atomic structure
of the living force to its spiritual heritage.”1967-1