Sunday, January 13, 2013

Lisa Petty - Health Tips From Your Nails

Because of their never-ending growth cycle, nails provide an accurate record of our health – and can signal internal problems before any other symptoms appear. Brittle nails, for example, might indicate that your diet is deficient in vitamin A, while dry nails suggest a lack of B vitamins. But your nails hold clues to more serious conditions, as well: a pale nail bed is associated with anemia, and white nails might suggest liver disease. Yellow nails might indicate excess fluid in tissues, causing swelling (lymphedema), and excess fluid around the lungs.

Some nail concerns highlight digestive troubles: chronic fungal infection, for example, might indicate an underlying Candida imbalance in the digestive tract. Likewise, up to 50% of patients with psoriasis experience nail problems, and 80% of people who suffer from inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis show pitting and discoloration of the fingernails or toenails. The size, shape, and depth of the marks can vary, and affected nails may thicken, yellow, or crumble. The skin around the nail is sometimes inflamed, and the nail may peel away from the nail bed in a process called onycholysis. As psoriasis involves inefficient fat metabolism, be sure to include omega 3 fatty acids in your supplement regimen, as well as folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, and dietary silicon.

Pay attention to these signals, and be sure to address the underlying cause. Once you’ve started to address what’s causing your nail troubles, changes could take up to two years to be reflected in your nails. It is what it is While our nails do mirror our inner health, to paraphrase Freud, sometimes nail problems are just problems with your nails.

For example, tumors and warts can occur in any portion of the nail unit, and the actual nail can be destroyed as a result. Warts are painful viral infections that affect the skin underneath or around the nail. Because these lesions can be cancerous, seek medical care. On the other hand – pun intended! – paronychia is a fungal infection resulting from nails that are constantly immersed in water or in contact with chemicals. The infection occurs when organisms enter gaps between the nail and the surrounding skin.

Aggressive nail biters and children who suck their fingers are also susceptible. Often a warm-water soak with tea tree oil will help if no abscess has formed. Left untreated, you could lose the nail. If your hands are regularly deep in water, wear a pair of cotton gloves under your rubber gloves for ultimate protection. And keep those fingers out of your mouth!

For coaching that will help you create vibrant health, please visit Live BIO Lisa Petty is North America’s Health Empowerment coach, internationally renowned radio show host, award-nominated journalist and author who believes that healthy living is simple. She has shared her unique perspective with thousands of people through her workshops, lectures, coaching, TV and radio appearances and throughout her extensive writing. She has written over 200 articles for major health publications, and is author of Living Beauty: Feel Great, Look Fabulous & Live Well, a modern guide to feeling younger at any age by eating well, choosing health-promoting supplements and personal care products, staying fit and creating a healthy attitude. Visit

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