Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tegon Maus

I think most of us have someone we looked up to as kids...    someone that helped to shape the way we see the world.  Someone that made us a better person.  Okay, maybe I went a little to far with the word better...  let's just say influenced.
     Personally I had two.  The first... at the top of the list was Benjamin Franklin.  An all around great guy... anyone who can fly a kite in the rain, just to see what lightning is made out of and live to tell about it is always at the top of my list.
     The second was Reed Richards... okay, nobody said it had to be a real person.  As a kid when I read the Fantastic Four I was held in awe by the wild machines that populated its pages not to mention by the man himself.  He had perfect posture, broad shoulders, chiseled good looks and a generous swath of gray at the temples.  Anyone could see he was one of the good guys.  He was an unparalleled genius able to multi-task in a time that had never heard the term.  He could manage the problem at hand and his relationship with all the other team members all at the same time.  I had envisioned myself in his likeness a million times.  I wanted to be this kind of man... but genetics being what they are and much to my personal disappointment, I wound up looking more like Franklin.  Happily, the trade off turned out to be the craving for knowledge and the feeling of kinship were machinery is involved. 
       I think this, above all else, is what Sci-Fi is all about.  It makes you want more... not just for the sake of having material gain but to have and be more than you are... to become something better than you were in the beginning, even if its just for a little while.  It makes you want to visit those worlds, see those creatures, have those adventures... see all those incredible machines and spaceships and ray guns and zapping arcs of energy from things we can't possibly understand.  But we want to, we really want to. 
      We want it to transform us in unimaginable ways so we can be part of something bigger than ourselves, something wonderful and good.  Isn't that why we read?  To live a life not our own for however long that book will have us.  We crave that kinship with our stories and Sci-Fi lets us live in those pages to its absolute fullest.  We want a happy ending, don't we?  We want to wipe the tears of our involvement from our cheeks and say to ourselves... "that was really, really good" 
      Down deep inside that's what we all really want isn't it?   Well... that and chocolate.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Drea Bauer - Online is Ontime

Online is On Time In today’s world, if you are looking for a partner, you can’t deny online dating is an amazing resource. Over 40 million people in the US alone have now tried online dating. The Internet superhighway has turned our world into a neighborhood; it’s an “online community.” As years pass the dating pool gets smaller, if only because more people get married. Online, there are more fish in the pond. You can cast your Internet to scoop up your exceptional partner. It opens such vast opportunities never before available in history. Not so many years ago, people were limited by social class, ethnicity, or religion. How blessed are we to be free to engage in relationships with whomever we choose. Now you aren’t limited by anything—not even proximity!

Things aren’t going backwards, more and more communication in today’s society is gravitating toward the Internet. Now with social networks and Internet conferencing people are socializing and conducing all forms of business on the Internet. What was once a new phenomenon is now a mainstream practice. It saves businesses time and money to hold meetings and live conference on the Internet rather than having a destination to connect in person. As the population becomes more and more savvy at connecting on the Internet, this form of communication will dominate society. The next time you’re in public place look at how many people around you are connecting through their phone or computer–calling, texting, video chatting. All varieties of communication are provided through the Internet and these forms are only going to expand in the future.

When choosing an Internet dating site, research how long they have been in business and how many current subscribers they have. Some websites allow you to search based on physical attributes, some on common interests, and some even on specific word searches. There are also particular online dating sites which categorically offer membership only to a specific religion or ethnicity while other sites group members based on common interest or activities like sports or animal lovers. Other sites do the all matching for you and don’t allow you to search any profiles. Evaluate to determine if the tools on the site are user-friendly and self-explanatory. The bigger your market the more potential sales; you aren't limited to only one site.

Many people feel that the Internet adds a lot of extra work to their already-hectic lives, but think about it in reality you can save time and money. You can pre-right in the comfort of your own home in your pj’s. No going out on a date with a person only to find their religion or political views are intolerable to you. No accidental flirting with the guy or gal at the bar who’s married or taken. No spending an evening with a blind date with whom you share no common interest. And, even better, no driving, no dressing, and no prepping. The Internet is an infinite resource, why not get resourceful to find your partner in life?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Jean Logan - Proper Nutrition

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Eating for a healthy balance, proper nutrition and a conscious choice should be the goal of every person. It is important when choosing our food to stop believing everything we read and hear and make our own decisions. Much of the information we are receiving is written to control our decisions and provide profit to industries that care nothing about our health. Above all we need to BELIEVE IN OUR OWN DIVINITY! It is important to know that our body has the ability to take nourishing food and convert it to what it needs. Trying to analyze where we get this vitamin or that mineral, etc. is really a form of worrying. Although some authors may be well meaning, most articles or books that are published about nutrition are a regurgitation of misinformation and sometimes outright lies that have been fed to us for monetary reasons. It is important to be aware that The American Medical Association (AMA) was started by John Rockefeller for the primary purpose of making money for a small group of people. This involved the dissemination of whatever controlling information they chose. They have done such an effective job of this that almost all books and other publications put out regarding nutrition have been tainted by falsehoods. Even well meaning authors are often brainwashed. The AMA has gained control of the medical schools and attempts to discredit anyone who works to explore and promote natural healing. The big problem is when someone believes misinformation there body is programmed to respond to this. This is why many vegetarians fail.

Picture yourself in a remote island or village living with a group of other people who have no access to outside information. They eat fruit, nuts, greens and roots of what is available and they thrive with glowing health that far exceeds what we have in this country. Your body does not examine each type of food looking for protein or carbohydrates. It looks instead first for that food which is alive, full of the life force, nutrients and oxygen. It also looks for the vibration of color, lots of greens, yellow, purple and orange. The body then takes what it is given and converts it to what it needs. We often program our minds to worry about whether our body is getting enough of the right food causing us undo stress. The most important thing is for us to believe that we have the power to take what is given and convert it to what we need.

Once we pass the organic produce section of the grocery store there is little else of value. Seek out local growers who raise food in a natural way. I will not use the word organic because this label can carry a high price for small growers who cannot afford to pay the fees. If you are open to eggs and milk, only get eggs from farmers who have true free range. Do not believe the words Free Range on cartons in the grocery store. For children, get raw organic goat milk. This may sound impossible but using the power of intention you will find what you need. Even when I was living in the Atlanta area, I managed to find a person who raised goats only a few miles from town. I then made my own yogurt and kefir.

Even if it is just a bowl of rice and beans, be grateful. Bess your food and honor it. This is VERY important. Blessing our food imparts energy and love into the food.

Jean Logan, PhD
Author or “Unlocking the Power of Glyphs” and “Sacred Symbols of Light”

Monday, February 4, 2013

Dr Sarah Farrant DC - How You Approach Health Determines How Healthy You Are!

Dr Sarah Farrant DC - How You Approach Health Determines How Healthy You Are!

woman.gifI was introduced to an image when I was studying psychology back in my 20’s and it has always stuck with me when I’m contemplating different points of view; a nice reminder that there is a series of concurrent “things” occurring at the same time in our life. The image is of an old woman and a young woman in the one image, you may have seen it. Your eye is attracted to either the old woman or the young woman however it is only when someone points out the one you cannot see that you begin to flick between the two.  However prior to seeing the other image there maybe frustration, anticipation and perhaps even defeat, mumbling under your breath “I can’t see it!”

In using this image as a metaphor for our health we can draw a conclusion that there is more than one way to see and approach health and that these “ways” are occurring concurrently. So often however we only see health from one perspective and one perspective only until someone points out a different way. The way we approach health is mimicked by what we were taught about health and that teaching usually came via a mother, father, teacher, preacher, radio, TV or print and now social media. There are in fact three different health approaches, not to be confused with the plethora of health professions available, all established, scientific, credible, and successful in and of themselves. However if no one points the approaches out to you and you are not asking different questions to help guide you to them how will you see the young woman if you are only seeing the old woman? For a lot of people the shift comes when a health challenge for either themselves or their child is created; in other words they wait until they absolutely have to do something different.

If we are not able to choose the health approach we want because we don’t see it then we are part of an indoctrinated system, where there is no choice; it just is. It was Albert Einstein who said doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. If we are always looking at the old woman and not engaging in new questions so we see the young woman then what are we doing?  Well what we are doing is entering the same health paradigm we have always entered however we expect a different health result each time we enter and unfortunately more often than not that different health result never comes! And because we know no other way we stay with what is familiar, and non-threatening, to our beliefs about health looking for an answer within a health system that is failing us.  Is this perhaps where you are right now… frustrated, disillusioned, lost and confused with your own health and/or your child’s health? Perhaps nothing appears to be changing. Isn’t it time to change your own and your child’s health approach so you can have a different outcome?

Dr Sarah Farrant is the ‘tell it like it is’, no fluff, mentor to moms. She is the founder and CEO of the #1 place for smart health choices for your family! Vital Moms is dedicated to helping parents move away from the treatment merry-go-round by giving them a new way to view and approach their own and their children’s health. Today, Dr Sarah supports, mentors, and educates thousands of parents globally. She is a global selling and award winning author of The Vital Truth™ who more recently has emerged as one of the foremost thought leaders on health sharing stages with Dr Joe Mercola, Bob Harper (from the biggest Loser), Dr Joe Dispenza (from the movie “what the bleep” fame), Suzanne Arms, Ina May Gaskin, Dr Bruce Lipton and many more.  Dr Sarah has authored books, e-books, reports, articles and been interviewed on radio and TV and by numerous print media.  She has three children all home birthed, non medicated and now home educated!  To find out more go to