Monday, March 4, 2013

The Story of the Two O’s By Barbara Krauss

I welcome Organic Thinker. I have discovered that I am truly an Organic Thinker who is learning to love that my beautiful organic-thinking mind is taking me on a wonderfully delicious journey called life.

When I let Organic Thinker settle in, the flow is there. We are old friends and yet very new friends at the same time. The new friend imbued with excitement, infatuation, joy and gaiety. The old friend caressed by softness, centered, wisdom and knowing.

There is a warm, embracing comfort with my old friend as she envelops me in her tender arms and tells me how much she loves me and how she has always adored being in my glow for so many years. We are partners in life, touching, smelling, feeling, seeing, tasting the sweetness of a beautiful, ripe peach, biting into it, and experiencing the lusciousness of its maturity.

We are like very new friends just learning what it is to recognize who we are together. I touch her with trepidation; she steps towards me with caution. We are careful not to be too intrusive, yet we are both so curious. What will I ask of her? What does she want to know about me? This is a friendship in cultivation; I want her to feel comfortable with me and me with her. There is a green-ness, a spring-like bud just coming into its own. What the bud shall become, neither of us know.

I embrace my Organic Thinker when I am in a place of internal peace, when I am not worrying about the outcome, and when I am actually tasting my thoughts and igniting all of my senses. When I can let go of what I think I am supposed to be, settle into loving who I am and not having to change a thing, I can remove my mask of ‘having to’ and settle into my beauty of ‘getting to.’

In my day-to-day life, in planning and carrying out my intentions, my dreams, and my goals, my old/new friend deeply cares for me. She helps me pay attention to what is really important and taps me on the shoulder to remind me to not lose my focus. She helps me remember why I am doing this work both for myself and the others whose lives I have touched and will touch. She helps me remember that the gifts I have to offer the world are exactly what it has been waiting for. She helps me play, laugh, cry, embrace my frustration, create, put together, take apart, not to have to be perfect, to dance and sing, to play, to love, to be thankful, to live a full life.

 I'm learning that I get to “go Organic” instead of going into Overwhelm and integrate my friend into my life more and more. I am learning to choose Organic Thinker instead of Overwhelm. Organic Thinker feeds me. She is soft and forgiving, simple and authentic, relaxed and grounded; letting go of a contracted body, melting into the sand, sipping the nectar from honeysuckle. She teaches me not take things so seriously; to be open to what can be instead of what must be.

I have learned that she is here to stand by me. She is my ally supporting my unique vibrancy. She helps me remember how uncomfortable and out of sorts I get when I allow the voice of Overwhelm to be loud and overbearing, and how I crumble inward and lose my ground. I am learning to embrace Organic. She is the one who gives me the freedom and spaciousness to be me.

The voice of Overwhelm resounds. In the blink of an eye I can experience impatient energy that travels swiftly throughout my body. I forget to breathe, to feel the earth beneath my feet, to allow myself to be in the moment. Overwhelm wants to do it all now, and once again the chaotic vortex takes the upper hand. I am in Overwhelm.

Overwhelm lurks in the dark stretching and reaching its tendrils, waiting for the exact time to administer its sting. The pain comes from an old story, a habitual default I fall into bringing with it the comfort of familiarity. It also elicits great anxiety and a disquieting sensation throughout my entire being. The fever of my discomfort consumes me until my sweet spirit can no longer tolerate the intensity.

I summon Organic Thinker to hold me in her nurturing compassion. Whispering in my ear with infinite wisdom she gently invites me to put down what I am doing and take a break; to notice where my energy is and move towards it; to ask for help; to turn on some music and dance the dance I love to dance and expelling all of the energy that builds up inside of me; to scream, sing out loud, or cry out loud; to create a piece of art or write something out loud; to go for a walk in the forest; to have something cold to drink.

When I choose to connect to Organic Thinker I know I am in a place where 1+1=2 does not matter. I know I can feel the breath of serenity with the flow that permeates every cell in my body. I know I am not alone. I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be, creating what is waiting to be created. I am in the moment where there are no rules, no deadlines, no ‘having to,’ and no expectations.

When I connect to Organic Thinker, I know I have come home. Copyright 2012, Barbara Krauss

Barbara Krauss is the Steward of Creative Inquiry. She is most alive when enraptured by the organic flow and freedom she experiences when immersed in her creative expression, whether it is through movement, art or writing. As a Certified Master Creativity Coach and Practitioner, licensed Nia Instructor and owner of The Centre for Organic YESipes™, Barbara shares her creative passion and playful spirit. She guides individuals into the exploration of the possible while timing the voice that shouts impossible. Using a combination of modalities, Barbara empowers clients to create extraordinary transformational shifts in their lives by helping them to remember and reclaim what once made them feel alive. Contact Barbara on email at, by phone at 206.371.0196, or on her website at

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